Teen too ill to attend school needs donations for robot to attend classes

Teen too ill to attend school needs donations for robot to attend classes. PUBLISHED: 08:00 08 April 2018. Henry Woodsford. Makayla Nunn with Principal Jane McBride and AV1 robot, Robbie. Archant ...

Liberman: Killed journalist flew a drone over IDF forces

Regarding the journalist killed during the riots, Liberman said, "There are no innocent people in the Gaza Strip. There are no protesters there. Hamas has used both journalists and ambulances to carry out terror attacks dozens of times. Whoever flies a drone over IDF forces - we will not take any chances ...

Liberman on journalist's death: 'Anyone flying drone over IDF puts life at risk'

Israel's defense minister Avigdor Liberman on Saturday suggested that a Palestinian journalist who was shot and killed while covering a mass protest along the Gaza border on Friday had put his own life in danger by operating a drone above Israeli soldiers. Photojournalist Yasser Murtaja, 30, died ...

Quantum Resistant Ledger Price Hits $0.83 on Top Exchanges (CRYPTO:QRL)

Quantum Resistant Ledger logo Quantum Resistant Ledger (CURRENCY:QRL) traded up 2% against the US dollar during the 1 day period ending at 2:00 AM E.T. on March 16th. During the last seven days, Quantum Resistant Ledger has traded 2% higher against the US dollar. Quantum Resistant ...

Persontyle Oman in Partnership with School of Data Science and Engineering UK to hold Artificial ...

Muscat, Oman - Persontyle Oman in partnership with School of Data Science and Engineering UK, announced that they are holding an Artificial Intelligence (AI) certification program from April 18-19, 2018 at the City Seasons Muscat. The 2-day certification program will help business and technology ...

UAE adopts AI to fast track road developments

The UAE's infrastructure ministry said it had adopted artificial intelligence (AI) technology to optimise its resources on numerous local road developments. Dr. Eng. Abdullah Belhaif AlNuaimi, minister, Infrastructure Development, along with Omar Bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial ...

Bio bots: robots that mimic animal physiology

Last week, Nasa announced that it is developing robotic bees to gather information about areas of Mars that wouldn't be accessible to a Mars rover. ... It recently demonstrated it can use the arm for the complex (in robot terms) action of opening a door, despite the intervention of man with a hockey stick.

Fear the Deer: Robotics team moves on to compete for world championship

Each year, high schools throughout the country take part in the FIRST Robotics challenge. First, they get a list of common parts, used to build a robot's core systems. But there's no rulebook on how you assemble it. Each team comes up with their own creation, using everything from the code to run its ...

Artificial Intelligence to help predict which planets are habitable

Artificial intelligence is the talk of the hour. Little by Little, AI machines are making their way through our daily lives, through the internet and its services as well as in the electronic devices we use every day, including our mobile phones. But AI applications are not limited to the traditional concept of ...

Trump seeks authority to intercept drone communications

WASHINGTON — Citing a growing threat that terrorists will use drones for surveillance or as weapons, the Trump administration is asking Congress to give the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice the power to track, reroute or destroy the devices, according to a copy of the legislative proposal ...

Experts called in to help Dan Biggar after Wales star left devastated when 15-year-old kicking tee ...

But some of Cardiff University's brightest minds got to work on crafting an exact replica for the international star using revolutionary 3D printing techniques. It means Biggar – who plays second fiddle to Leigh Halfpenny in the kicking stakes with Wales – has been able to carry on as normal with his new ...

Hookups are changing building of apps

Looking to address the issue, HUD is deploying artificial intelligence developed by Google -- to identify nudity. Boasting more than 3.1 million users, Shuster says, the company simply could not hire enough human reviewers to manually identify male reproductive organs, so HUD turned to Google's ...

How Robots Are Changing the Lives of Seniors

Fortunately, there are now robots that help facilitate improved communication between family members who do not live together. The beauty of this new technology is that it is specifically designed to help seniors get in touch with their loved ones with virtually zero effort, making it easier for older users to ...

UAE rolls out AI to cut road project duration by 54%

During a tour of the Kalba Ring road Development, where he was accompanied by Omar bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Al Nuaimi said the infrastructure ministry was "determined on continuing" the application of technology for its road schemes. Accordingly, the minister ...

Can't act like robot because of public perceptions: Virat

Kolkata : Wearing heart on his sleeve with an aggressive body language that doesn't fit the purists' narrative, Virat Kohli is least bothered about pandering to public perceptions since he doesn't want to act like a "robot" in intense match situations. "You cannot be a robot operating for the sake of what ...

Sheriff's Deputies Acquire Device To Shoot Down Drone Aircraft

An electronic device that can bring down drone aircraft presumably as they interfere with emergency firefighting planes and police helicopters, has been obtained by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies, it was reported Saturday. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department was among the first police ...

'Hundreds of people' trusting artificial intelligence to write their will

Artificial intelligence, chatbots, robots and technology as a whole have advanced in leaps and bounds in recent years – but there are some things that are still best left to humans. And many would consider writing a last will and testament to be up there. While it takes careful thought and consideration to ...

Library activity will continue to grow with upcoming renovation

Youth Librarian Celine Swan said the library will get a 3D printer and a Bernina sewing machine "that comes with all the bells and whistles." A makerspace, she said, is an area where people can create using technology and other tools. The makerspace will be near the teen area and be open for adults ...

China steps towards intelligent manufacturing

"The organizing committee and my team were completely stunned when the director of the eight-minute show revealed the maneuvers he wanted the robots to perform. We had only two to three months to prepare everything from scratch," said Zhang Lei, the head of the design crew from Siasun Robot ...

Boao Forum 2018: China steps towards intelligent manufacturing

In recent years, Chinese companies have been shifting towards innovation and exporting high-quality products that meet the rigorous standards and expectations of global consumers. The development of artificial intelligence (AI) and robots signals a dramatic change in the manufacturing sector.

Pat Carney: Artificial intelligence versus human intelligence

I'm done with artificial intelligence. I will settle for human intelligence. Preferably smart human intelligence. Our access to human intelligence — let's call it HI — is increasingly limited in our online environment. Humans have become a rare species, accessed only after hours wasted waiting on the phone.

Nathan Myhrvold Has A Patent For a Personalized Food Manufacturing System

Some of the companies that the patent cites as examples of makers of food fabricators include 3D Systems (a 3D printing company that has worked on a food 3D printer), Natural Machines (a 3D food printer company) and other home appliance brands such as Whirlpool, KitchenAid and Samsung.

Free gifts with arms sales: China dangles hi-tech offers in crowded global military marketplace

And just over a year ago, state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) signed a partnership deal with Saudi Arabia to set up set up the first factory in the Middle East for the Chinese hunter-killer aerial drone the Rainbow 4. Similar factories for Chinese drone technology ...

Lego robotics competition brings thousand-plus youngsters to Texas Tech

More than a thousand elementary and middle school students from Lubbock and surrounding areas competed Saturday in a Lego robotics competition called the Get Excited About Robotics Challenge. Teams of students from different schools gathered at the Texas Tech University Robert H. Ewalt ...

The Marine Corps Is Taking Cyber Warfare to the Front Lines

In its clearest signal yet, the Corps has plans to change its core ground combat capability, the thirteen-person rifle squad, by adding a Marine specializing in drone operations and electronic warfare. "The 13-man rifle squad has served us very very well over time," said the commanding officer of the ...

Bioscience internships reviewed

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Body suspected to be from California cliff crash found

In this Wednesday, March 28, 2018 aerial image from Alameda County Sheriff's Office drone video courtesy of Mendocino County shows the pullout where the SUV of Jennifer and Sarah Hart was recovered off the off Pacific Coast Highway 1, near Westport, Calif. The bodies of the two women and three ...

Oceanside police buy a 'drone killer'

OCEANSIDE, Calif. — A device that can bring down drone aircraft, presumably as they interfere with emergency firefighting planes and police helicopters, has been obtained by Oceanside police. Oceanside PD and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department were among the first police agencies to ...

3D-Printed Critters Are Incredibly Lifelike

Japanese designers from the Prototyping & Design Laboratory, the University of Tokyo created a set of 3D-printed critters that are hyper-realistic, complete with organic-seeming movements spurred by a tiny motor. The bio-robots are printed in one-piece, a complete body ready for motion, just like an ...

Japan Taking A Pragmatic Approach To Autonomous Technology

"I don't think there are significant differences in the state of autonomous car development between Japan and U.S., but each has a different attitude on how to realize their vision. "For example, in Japan we have a rapidly aging population. A lot of elderly people rely on cars for transportation, and we're ...

3D-Printed Critters Are Incredibly Lifelike

Japanese designers from the Prototyping & Design Laboratory, the University of Tokyo created a set of 3D-printed critters that are hyper-realistic, complete with organic-seeming movements spurred by a tiny motor. The bio-robots are printed in one-piece, a complete body ready for motion, just like an ...

Sizing Up the MACDH For Mazor Surgical Robot (MZRTF)

Mazor Surgical Robot (MZRTF)'s MACD Histogram reading is currently above the zero line, indicating a positive chart trend for the shares. Shares recently touched 29.5500 on a recent bid, moving -1.02 in the most recent session. Created by Thomas Aspray in 1986, the MACD Histogram is a visual ...

Drone races give Toledo's earthbound pilots a jolt of adrenaline

You'll find it this weekend at the Weak Signals R-C Convention at the SeaGate Convention Centre in downtown Toledo. The pilots fly the mini-drones through a series of gates. Speeds top out at fifty miles an hour. First one to cross the finish line wins. "It's an adrenaline rush," said pilot Kele Stanley.

Robotics Team heading to worldwide championship

ANDERSON — Reviving from a season fraught with issues, Team Roboto turned their fortunes around this year, culminating in an invitation to a robotics world championship. Anderson's Team 447 Team Roboto is one of only 302 robotics building and programming teams invited to the worldwide FIRST ...

An artificial revolution

In his statement to the World Socialist Web Site's January 16 online webinar, 'Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship,' Wikileaks founder Julian Assange warned of the immense dangers posed to humanity by the misuse of artificial intelligence. "The future of humanity is the struggle between ...

Students compete and collaborate at robotics championship in Council Bluffs

This year marked the 10th U.S. Open Robotics Championship, put on by Create. In its first year, the event drew 72 teams. This year, 550 teams came to Council Bluffs to compete for trophies and bragging rights. The teams, made up of students from third to 12th grade, came from 40 states as well as ...

Who Is Robin?

I am a child of the late eighties and early nineties. One of my happiest childhood memories was going to the movies with a few friends and my brother on my birthday to see the newest Batman movie. I loved that movie, and as almost any kid of the time, I loved Batman as well. As more movies were ...

Students compete and collaborate at robotics competition in Council Bluffs

This year marked the 10th U.S. Open Robotics Championship, put on by Create. In its first year, the event drew 72 teams. This year, 550 teams came to Council Bluffs to compete for trophies and bragging rights. The teams, made up of students from 3rd to 12th grade, came from 40 states as well as areas ...

Dutch Creativity Bridging the Gap Between 3D and Convention

Working with Icon, a tech construction firm, New Story created a 3D printer, called the Vulcan which can build a house for around $4,000 in just one day. Dutch creativity in 3D printing also throws up some interesting story's. It isn't concrete and steel bridges that the Dutch are printing. When the Dutch ...

'Drone Killer' Arrives in Los Angeles

An electronic device that can bring down drone aircraft, presumably as they interfere with emergency firefighting planes and police helicopters, has been obtained by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies, it was reported Saturday. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department was among the first police ...

`Drone Killer' Arrives In LA

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department was among the first police agencies to acquire a"Drone Killer" from IXI Technology, a Yorba Linda company that supplies electronic equipment to the U.S. armed forces, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported Saturday. Deputies deployed the anti-drone ...

'Drone Killer' Added to Oceanside Police Arsenal

Oceanside police and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department wereamong the first police agencies to acquire a"Drone Killer" from IXI Technology, a Yorba Linda company that supplies electronic equipment to the U.S. armed forces, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported Saturday. Deputies ...

'Drone Killer' arrives in Oceanside

OCEANSIDE (CNS) - An electronic device that can bring down drone aircraft, presumably as they interfere with emergency firefighting planes and police helicopters, has been obtained by Oceanside police, it was reported Saturday. Oceanside police and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department ...

'Drone Killer' Arrives In LA

LOS ANGELES, CA -- An electronic device that can bring down drone aircraft, presumably as they interfere with emergency firefighting planes and police helicopters, has been obtained by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies, it was reported Saturday. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department was ...

Venture capitalists see huge potential for artificial intelligence, blockchain

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Venture capitalists who attended Huddle Kerala, the two-day startup conclave that concluded in Kovalam on Saturday, said that the investment ecosystem in India is improving and there is huge potential for foundational technologies such as artificial intelligence and ...

This mock newspaper about Donald Trump's presidency from April of 2016 is scarily accurate

Though there is not evidence about Trump ordering the military to kill anyone's families, he has made it clear that he has little empathy for the lives of anyone overseas. When watching a drone strike, Trump questioned the CIA's choice to wait until the target was safely distanced from his family. Yikes.

Robotic wolves keep foraging wild boar at bay on Chiba farms

KISARAZU, Chiba Prefecture--Farmers here are being offered "Super Monster Wolf" robots to lease as weapons to deter wild animals that wreak havoc with their crops. The move comes after the city's agricultural cooperative association (JA Kisarazu) concluded that the robotic wolves proved effective in ...

UVa Link Lab focuses on tech that connects cyber, physical worlds

The lab, part of the School of Engineering & Applied Science, opened in January and holds offices, desks, an autonomous car test track and work tables littered with parts for drones, computers and sensors. The lab is a high-priority $4.8 million project to bring together researchers across the engineering ...

Intel, Waymo Compare Vision Systems in Wake of Uber's First Fatal Autonomous Car Crash

In the wake of Uber's fatal autonomous car crash, companies such as Intel and Waymo are insisting that their autonomous vehicle systems would have prevented this tragedy. What are these companies doing differently—and will those differences be enough to keep public confidence in the safety of ...

Trump administration seeks authority to intercept drone communications to thwart domestic attacks

Citing a growing threat that terrorists will use drones for surveillance or as weapons, the Trump administration is asking Congress to give the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice the power to track, reroute or destroy the devices, according to a copy of the legislative proposal obtained by The ...

Israeli Defense Chief: Anyone Who Flies Drones Over IDF Soldiers Puts Himself at Risk

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Saturday that "anyone who operates drones over Israeli soldiers needs to understand he's putting himself at risk," referring to the incident in which a Palestinian journalist was shot while wearing a "Press" vest. The journalist, Yaser Murtaja, 30, was shot in ...

BBC investigation raises concerns about objectification, childlike models in sex robot industry

A new expose set to air on BBC reveals what reporter James Young found as he explored the emerging international trade in high-tech sex dolls. He visited a Japanese factory for one segment of the show "Sex Robots and Us," reporting in a Mirror article that he found several upsetting trends in the ...

An Artificial Intelligence Learns How to Navigate Cities Using Only Google Street View

But among the many ways that artificial intelligence is gradually surpassing humans, running around a city is quickly becoming one of them. A team of researchers at Google's DeepMind - the creators of powerful AI programs like AlphaGo - have been teaching an AI how to run around cities without any ...

Robots Not Ready to Take Over

These artificial intelligence machines include defense robots, cleaning robots, and medical robots. In 2016, 7,200 public relations robots like Robby Pepper were sold — a 135 percent increase from 2015 sales. Richard Windsor is a technology businessman in London. He says the use of robots is not yet ...

Robots Not Ready to Take Over

Robby Pepper can answer questions in Italian, English and German. He is Italy's first robot concierge. He is deployed at a hotel on the popular Lake Garda to help answer simple, usual questions from visitors. During one of Robby's first days, Mihail Slanina, a guest from Moldova, congratulated the robot ...

6 Drone Startups Getting Funding Not Called DJI

DJI is the undisputed global market leader in drones with a wide range of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on offer for the consumer, commercial and enterprise markets. The company started out with more than $105 million in funding from the likes of Accel Partners and Sequoia Capital, and has now ...

South Korean University Killer Robot Criticism Is a Losing Battle

By looking at the world of technology today, it's clear future wars will consist of robots on the battlefield and computer espionage. Many of us would rather not have such a future become reality, but it's inevitable, really. We'd wager that every sovereign country around the world realizes that having robots ...

The godless, leftist nature of artificial intelligence

Then there's this rather alarming tale of Anthony Levandowski, the multi-millionaire who once led up Google's autonomous car research arm but then left for a new career calling — as head of a religious nonprofit organization, Way of the Future, to "develop and promote the realization of a godhead ...

The godless, leftist nature of artificial intelligence

The fast-moving field of artificial intelligence development is a lucrative one — a head-spinning one — an oft-surprising and exciting one. But peer past the frenzy of media headlines announcing the latest discoveries and newest breakthroughs and it's sad but true, the world of science, including ...

Leave it to Beaver Island: Tiny school competes at Marysville robotics event

MARYSVILLE — Parking was at a premium Saturday at Marysville High School for the final day of competition in the First Robotics District Event. But snagging a parking spot close to the gymnasium was the least of worries for Team 6098, the Birobots. They represent Beaver Island Community School ...

Drone use on the rise despite restrictive rules

Drones are now widely used in public and private projects for better visualization of the work. This aircraft without a human pilot has been used for documentaries of Kushiara power plant or Mohipal flyover. Not only in projects, drones are now also used in the production of dramas, movies and ...

Apple's AI 'Coup,' Explained

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) notched a "major coup" Tuesday when it hired John Giannandrea, Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL)'s Google unit's chief of search and artificial intelligence, The New York Times reported.

UAE starts implementing artificial intelligence in infrastructure sector

DUBAI, 7th April, 2018 (WAM) -- Dr. Abdullah bin Mohammed Belhaif Al Nuaimi, Minister of Infrastructure Development, and Omar bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, got first-hand knowledge about the ministry's application of Artificial Intelligence, AI, technologies in the federal ...

Documentary 'Do You Trust This Computer?' free to stream courtesy of Elon Musk

Do You Trust This Computer? explores the rise of artificial intelligence in all aspects of modern society, and features commentary from industry figures such as Stanford University professor Jerry Kaplan, director Johnathan Nolan, and journalist John Markoff. The film premiered recently at the Laemmle's ...

Gaza buries Palestinian journalist killed while covering mass border protest

Murtaja, 30, was the co-founder of Ain media, a local TV production company that has done projects, including aerial drone video, for foreign media clients such as the BBC and Al Jazeera English. He was one of the first to bring a drone camera into Gaza and his images captivated many of its residents ...

Wendy McElroy: Do Not Passively Nationalize Your Privacy

"The quantum computer, following the laws of quantum physics, would gain enormous processing power through the ability to be in multiple states, and to perform tasks using all possible permutations simultaneously." The out-of-the-box approach to data processing could revolutionize operating protocol ...

Palestinian journalist killed in Israel-Gaza protests

Israel Radio, citing an unnamed source in Gaza, said Murtaja had been operating a camera drone on Friday. "I don't know who he was, cameraman or no cameraman, anyone operating drones above IDF soldiers must know he is putting himself at risk," Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman told ...

Lieberman: 'Anyone flying drone over IDF soldiers is endangering himself'

Lieberman: 'Anyone flying drone over IDF soldiers is endangering himself' ... death of a Palestinian journalist who was wounded during clashes on the Gaza border the previous day, arguing that "Anyone who operates multirotor drones over IDF soldiers needs to understand he is endangering himself.".

MahaMetro conducts drone survey of proposed route

Pune: The Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation (MahaMetro) conducted a drone-based survey of the proposed Swargate-Katraj route on Saturday to help ... MahaMetro has so far completed drone survey of about 40km proposed Metro rail stretches in Pune, Pimpri Chinchwad and the adjacent areas.

Regulating drone use needs to take off

Given the increasing popularity of drones and the safety implications that brings, the targeted regulation proposed by the Hong Kong government is not unreasonable. And the government should also closely monitor global developments on the issue to ensure our standards do not lag behind.

How to best roll out AI products into the workplace: Interview

While the benefits that can be provided by artificial intelligence in the workplace continue to grow, ensuring that they are implemented seamlessly into a workplace continues to be a substantial challenge. Sagi Eliyahu gives some insights.

April 6-7 was a good day for Cube (AUTO) after 7.27% rise

Cube (AUTO) had a good 24 hours as the crypto jumped $0.000689 or 7.27% trading at $0.01016. According to Cryptocoin Analysts, Cube (AUTO) eyes $0.011176 target on the road to $0.0168578164462456. AUTO last traded at OKEX exchange. It had high of $0.0105 and low of $0.008922 for April ...

The strengths and weaknesses of Russia's military

Felgenhauer notes that Russia is lacking in many areas of modern military technology, including drone design and production, electronic components, as well as radar and satellite reconnaissance. For example, Russia is currently producing surveillance drones under an Israeli license, and it is ...

Taskforce recommends establishment of national mission for coordinating Al-related activities ...

A Task Force on Artificial Intelligence (AI) set up by the Indian Government's Ministry of Commerce & Industry in August 2017 submitted its report last month. One of the key recommendations in the report is to set up an inter-ministerial national mission to coordinate AI-related activities across the country.

Can't act like robot for the sake of others: Kohli

"You cannot be a robot operating for the sake of what people are going to write or say about you," Kohli, who's known for his aggressive brand of leadership said during the launch of cricket historian Boria Majumdar's latest book Eleven Gods and A Billion Indians. India was down and out during its last ...

A Welcome Respite for Autonomous Vehicles

The first recorded death involving an autonomous vehicle has had serious repercussions for many companies actively involved with many state-level test pilot programs. By the end of March, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey had indefinitely suspended Uber from further autonomous car testing (although ...

City Manager's Weekly Update – April 6, 2018

Drone Use in Coronado: The City Council received its first presentation on recreational unmanned aircraft systems, better known as drones. The Council will soon consider an ordinance for the promotion, regulation and safe use of drones. The City has received complaints of drones harassing people ...

Googlers revolt over AI military tech contract, brainiacs boycott killer robots, and more

It urged CEO Sundar Pichai to scrap Google's collaboration with the Pentagon in Project Maven, using AI to analyse drone footage. The letter was first reported by the New York Times, and calls for Google to "cancel [the] project immediately", and "draft, publicize, and enforce a clear policy stating that ...

Googlers revolt over AI military tech contract, brainiacs boycott killer robots, and more

A large group on internationally renowned AI academics have signed an open letter threatening to boycott collaborations with a top South Korean University working to create autonomous weapons. The letter comes just before the United Nations is set to discuss killer robots in a meeting next week.

China Wafer Handling Robot Market Gross Margin, Competitors, Business Overview ...

The China Wafer Handling Robot Market research report includes important data on the trends that can help the businesses within the industry to understand the industry and make plan accordingly for the growth and development of their business. The research analysts provide an elaborate description ...

Googlers revolt over AI military tech contract, brainiacs boycott killer robots, and more

KAIST and Hanwha Systems reportedly opened the Research Center for the Convergence of National Defense and Artificial Intelligence in February. In a statement, however, KAIST president Sung-Chul Shin denied plans of building killer robots, and said he was "saddened" by the risk of boycott.

United States Wafer Handling Robot Market Growth Rate, Product Revenue, Production Area ...

The United States Wafer Handling Robot Market research report includes important data on the trends that can help the businesses within the industry to understand the industry and make plan accordingly for the growth and development of their business. The research analysts provide an elaborate ...

Europe Wafer Handling Robot Market Regional , Product , Application Segment Analysis, revenue ...

The Europe Wafer Handling Robot Market research report includes important data on the trends that can help the businesses within the industry to understand the industry and make plan accordingly for the growth and development of their business. The research analysts provide an elaborate ...

PNB Deploys Artificial Intelligence for Reconciliation of Accounts

PNB Deploys Artificial Intelligence for Reconciliation of Accounts; 9 Crore New LPG Connections Provided in 4 Years: Dharmendra Pradhan; Forecast of Normal Rains, Lower Inflation Boost Equities; Experts Find India's Investment Ecosystem in Fine Fettle. Powered by cricketnext logo · News18 » ...

Avid Unveils Additional Cloud-based Apps, Services and Solutions to Accelerate News Production ...

LAS VEGAS, April 07, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AVID CONNECT - Avid® (Nasdaq:AVID), the platform that powers media and entertainment, today announced apps, services and solutions to accelerate news workflows with the cloud. These innovations optimize collaboration, accessibility and ...

Tompkins Robotics partners with SI Systems

Tompkins Robotics, a division of Tompkins International, (Modex booth B727) has introduced a revolutionary unit and parcel sortation system, t-Sort. t-Sort is the world's first, portable automated sortation system. Tompkins Robotics is pleased to announce its partnership with SI Systems, a global provider ...

Fribo Is a Robot Designed for the Lonely People in the World

A lot of people today have chosen to live alone, and this number is on the rise in the United States and in many developed nations. It's safe to say that it's not healthy for anyone to have a lonely life, therefore, society needs to find out how to bring people together. It's a difficult task because we now live in ...

Halo Drone Pro review

Halo isn't exactly a big name in the drone space. The company got its start selling hoverboards that (much to our disappointment) don't technically hover. Shortly after finding success in the rideable tech business, the company then moved into drones (which thankfully do hover), and now offers a ...

Police using 'drone killers' to disable flying devices in emergency situations

"We currently are not using this type of equipment, but have not ruled it out for future use," she said. "Terrorist organizations are utilizing drones as well as organized narcotic groups. This type of technology may be important in the future to safeguard the county jails, courthouses and communities.".

Alliance for Drone Innovation to Provide Voice for Personal and Professional Drone Makers ...

The Alliance for Drone Innovation (ADI) (droneinnovation.org), a new policy-oriented coalition of manufacturers, suppliers, and software developers of personal and professional drones, has commenced operations to represent the interests of individuals, businesses, governments, scientists, academics ...

Babylon Health partners with Tencent in a bid to enter the Chinese market

Through a new partnership, global juggernaut Tencent and UK health technology start-up Babylon Health are set to leveraging Babylon's artificial intelligence system. The move will see both parties work to deliver personal health assessments, treatment advice and individual health records across ...

Russian Physicists Develop Special Nanoparticles for Biomedical 3D Printing Process

Researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences' Crystallography & Phonetics Scientific Research Center have developed a nanoparticle-based 3D printing method that is considerably faster and more accurate than traditional 3D printing technologies. Physicists from the Russian Academy of ...

Michigan students prep for global robotics competition

Keshawn Holton, left, and Tianna Carr, of Pershing high school, work on their team's robot inside the University of Michigan's "Michigan Engineering Zone" inside the school's Detroit center on March 26, 2018. Robotics will take center stage later this month when tens of thousands of students from across ...

Flagstaff Academy teams headed to championship

"Our school teams came together and worked very hard over the past four months, meeting a few times a week to create tournament-worthy robots," Terri Reh, Flagstaff Academy's innovations teacher, said. "The mere fact that the school's teams created working robots, in such a short span of time, ...

How Should United States Prepare for Artificial Intelligence

Politicians over the globe are copying one of the finest ideas of the US government by sketching greater plans to generate big through the developments in artificial intelligence. These artificial intelligence manifestos, prepared in top cities do follow the example of Obama administration that prepared a ...

'Sex dolls deserve HUMAN RIGHTS' — expert's shock claim

And Victoria says the time may come when humans will need to get sexual consent from a robot. "In legal terms, this would mean having to recognise the robot as human," she said. "We are making these robot lovers in our image and we ought not to pick and choose whether to be kind to our sexual ...

Yaser Murtaja, and his dreams of travelling

Under a picture of Gaza City's port captured by his drone, journalist Yaser Murtaja wrote the following words: "I hope the day that I can take this image when I am in the sky instead of on the ground will come! My name is Yaser, I am 30 years old, live in Gaza City and I have never travelled before in my life ...

Student-designed robots compete for the grand prize

That's the goal of the annual FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Canada District Competition, which is taking place this weekend at McMaster University in Hamilton. The competition brings together high school students from across Ontario to put the robots they ...

Can't act like robot because of public perceptions, says Virat Kohli

Wearing heart on his sleeve with an aggressive body language that doesn't fit the purists' narrative, Virat Kohli is least bothered about pandering to public perceptions since he doesn't want to act like a "robot" in intense match situations. "You cannot be a robot operating for the sake of what people are ...

Quantum Computing: The Next Big Thing

Whereas a quantum computer works on qubit, which can be any in a state of 0,1 or 0 and 1 both (superimposed state), so a qubit could store up to two bits using superdense coding. Thus, a qubit carries twice as much information as compared to a bit and a quantum computer is capable of processing ...

Ministry using AI in federal road projects to cut cost, time and manpower

Eng. Abdullah Belhaif AlNuaimi, Minister of Infrastructure Development, along with His Excellency Omar Bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, explored the ministry's application of Artificial Intelligence technology in the federal roads projects during their field tour to the Kalba ...

The Alliance for Drone Innovation

The new organization will address the same issues – but the coalition has now expanded to include suppliers and software developers of both personal and professional drones "as well as the innovative Americans who fly them for recreational, artistic, and business purposes," says the Alliance.

Humanoid Robot Market Growing at a CAGR of 52.35% from 2018 to 2025

A Humanoid robot is fully automated as it can adapt to its surroundings and continue with its goals. The characteristics features of humanoid robots include – self-maintenance, autonomous learning, avoiding harmful situations to people, property, and itself and safe interacting with human beings and the ...

Genrobotics to roll out more sewer cleaning robots

KOCHI: Kerala startup Genrobotics says it plans to unveil five more 'Bandicoot' robots for cleaning sewer holes, including for pilot projects in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, after garnering a tremendous response to its innovative idea of using robots for the task and potentially eliminating the age-old ...

These Gorgeous Robot Parts are Hand-Made

[Dickel]'s robot MDi #4 has been in progress for several years, but what we wanted to draw your attention to is the way the parts have been fabricated and what kind of remarkable results are possible with careful design, measurement, cutting, and finishing. Much of MDi #4 was made by hand-cutting and ...

DeepZenGo retires from competition

The developers of Japanese artificial intelligence "DeepZenGo" say it has retired from competition with top human players of the Asian board game "Go." They say they've reached their original goal of victories over each of the game's leading players. The team behind DeepZenGo decided to call a halt ...

Cant act like robot because of public perceptions: Virat Kohli

Kolkata, Apr 7 (PTI) Wearing heart on his sleeve with an aggressive body language that doesnt fit the purists narrative, Virat Kohli is least bothered about pandering to public perceptions since he doesnt want to act like a "robot" in intense match situations. "You cannot be a robot operating for the sake of ...

'Disaster for humanity': Experts to RT on joint AI project by Google & Pentagon

The experts who spoke to RT say the million-dollar question is whether "this going to lead to saving lives, or is it going to lead to more use of the technology, more drone strikes, more countries engaging in this use of the technology?" It's really "questionable," physicist and arms control researcher at the ...

Can't act like robot because of public perceptions: Virat Kohli

Wearing heart on his sleeve with an aggressive body language that doesn't fit the purists' narrative, Virat Kohli is least bothered about pandering to public perceptions since he doesn't want to act like a "robot" in intense match situations. "You cannot be a robot operating for the sake of what people are ...

Kerala startup to unveil more manhole cleaning robots, pilot projects in K'taka, TN

Kerala startup Genrobotics will unveil five more 'Bandicoot' robots for cleaning sewer holes, including for pilot projects in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The step comes after its Kerala model got a huge response when it eliminated the age-old practice of manual scavenging. Genrobotics launched the robot ...

Punjab National Bank deploys Artificial Intelligence for reconciliation of accounts

NEW DELHI: State-run Punjab National Bank on Saturday said that in a move to foil a repeat of the recent fraud, it has deployed Artificial Intelligence (AI) for reconciliation of accounts. Addressing its customers through a FAQ document, the fraud-hit bank said: "PNB has already undertaken measures to ...

'Drone killer' recruited to help curb UAV proliferation

The Oceanside Police Department recently acquired San Diego County's first drone killer, an electronic device that can disable a drone in the sky and force it back to the ground. Other area law enforcement agencies also are considering the technology as a way to rein in unmanned aerial vehicles, ...

Apple Could Be Working on a Curved iPhone, Is Ramping Up Siri Hiring

In another move to bolster Siri, Apple this week announced that it has hired Google artificial intelligence chief John Giannandrea. Apple didn't say much about Giannandrea role at the company, but he will report directly to Apple CEO Tim Cook, suggesting his position as the head of the tech giant's ...

Library has ability to save people money

The library has an impressive array of technology. Almost everyone is aware of our computers, iPads, wireless internet, and early education learning centers. However, we also have an exciting assortment of technology in our Maker Space that you can use. We have a LulzBot Taz 6—3D Printer, a Trotec ...

Genrobotics to roll out 5 more 'Bandicoot' robots

Thiruvananthapuram, Apr 7 (PTI): Kerala-based startup Genrobotics has plans to unveil five more 'Bandicoot' robots for cleaning sewer holes, including for ... Genrobotics launched the world's first manhole cleaning robot 'Bandicoot' in Thiruvananthapuram on an experimental basis in February this year.

Genrobotics to roll out 5 more 'Bandicoot' robots

The Kerala Water Authority and Kerala Startup Mission have signed an MoU for the transfer of technology and products, including the use of robots for cleaning up sewers. Genrobotics say they have already trained two manhole cleaners on the use of the robot and it has been functioning without any ...

Ford Developing Autonomous Systems for Police Cars, Other Emergency Vehicles

A statement published on the official website of Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F) indicates that the company expects to have a fully autonomous car in commercial operation by 2021. Ford believes that it will be able, by that time, to produce a vehicle which meets Level 4 automation as standardized by the ...

Artificial intelligence can become “immortal dictator” – Musk

Musk is afraid that artificial intelligence will outlive individual leaders and create their own structure of oppression. Artificial intelligence created by authoritarian governments, can become an immortal dictator, from which nobody can escape. This was stated by the Director of the companies, SpaceX and ...

When Robots Milk Cows, Farm Families Taste Freedom

Robots have arrived at Bill and Carol Shuler's farm near Baroda, Mich., and life has taken a turn for the better. "It absolutely changes your lifestyle. It gives you a life!" says Bill Shuler. For decades — for the entire time that Bill and Carol have been married, in fact — the Shuler family's routine was ...

Gaza buries journalist killed while covering mass protests

The drone he had used for shooting footage for Gaza hovered above to film his funeral. Dozens of his close friends and colleagues were sobbing after the coffin was taken out of the morgue. Murtaja, 30, was the co-founder of Ain media, a local TV production company that has done projects, including ...

The Worldwide Artificial Intelligence Software Market | Estimated to Grow High CAGR | Forecast till ...

BusinessIndustryReports.com has new research report on the global Artificial Intelligence Software Market. The global Artificial Intelligence Software market is growing continuously and expected to grow healthy CAGR by 2023. Artificial Intelligence Software Market is intelligence demonstrated by ...

Chinese sex robot factory mass producing 'TRANSGENDER' dolls to meet global demand

A CHINESE sex robot factory has been mass producing "transgender" dolls and shipping them across the world to meet soaring demand. ... Costing between £2,895 and £3,195 for the premium range, DS Doll sex dolls come in all shapes and sizes and can be fitted with a robotic head that speaks.

A robot dictator could rule over the mankind, warns Elon Musk

Tech entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk has revealed his concerns over the dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on human race in a documentary. The documentary 'Do You Trust This Computer?' by American filmmaker Chris Paine features Musk saying 'AI could lead to the creation of robot ...

Firefly Drone Shows: The Team Behind That Viral Video Expands Their Fleet

Press Release: Firefly Drone Shows, founded by Kyle Dorosz and Ryan Sigmon, is expanding their fleet to 200 custom-built drones and booking for a variety of outdoor events this summer. They are the third company in the United States to gain approval for performing across the country, and one of the ...

Where Are Our Robot Butlers?

In fact, as of this week and via the announcement of the winners of the 2018 PYMNTS Voice Challenge with Amazon Alexa, we can confidently assert the amazing things voice-powered artificial intelligence (AI) can do are getting more amazing by the day. We have nothing but good things to say about ...

Where Are Our Robot Butlers?

But other than C3PO, the robot butlers are obviously the innovation we need so every American family can finally have a single answer to the single question that breaks up more marriages than any other: Whose turn is it to do the dishes that have piled up in the sink? (That's not a joke; dirty dishes are ...

Artificial Intelligence will become an immortal dictator, says Tesla founder Elon Musk

If not regulated or controlled soon, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will become an "immortal dictator" and there will be no escape for humans, Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has warned. Elon Musk, founder, CEO and lead designer at SpaceX and co-founder of Tesla. Reuters. In a new documentary on ...

The Blockchain – powered Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) sheds by -1.90% for a day

It was bad day for Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL), as it declined by $-0.0158 or -1.90%, touching $0.814. Global Cryptocoin Experts believe that Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) is looking for the $0.8954 goal. According to 9 analysts could reach $2.08268602394391. The highest price was $0.8483 ...

Apple is facing its toughest fight since the 1980s

The consensus is artificial intelligence is going to be the key differentiator, with every device—whether its a lightbulb or a laptop—capable of speaking to each other and making decisions to suit their owners. Big tech firms like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are saying that they're now "AI-first companies ...

'Robo-Hitler' Alarm: Musk's Fear of AI 'Immortal Dictator' Sets Twitter Ablaze

The Tesla and SpaceX founder, Elon Musk, shared his fears over the dangers that the development of artificial intelligence can bring. The visionary, who already named the "competition for AI superiority at the national level as the most likely cause of WW3," suggested humankind can create "an immortal ...

The UAE starts adopting of artificial intelligence in the infrastructure sector

His Excellency Dr. Eng. Abdullah Belhaif AlNuaimi, Minister of Infrastructure Development, along with His Excellency Omar Bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, explored the ministry's application of Artificial Intelligence technology in the federal roads projects during their field ...

Artificial Intelligence to be 'immortal dictator' to wipe out humans: Musk

If not regulated or controlled soon, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will become an "immortal dictator" and there will be no escape for humans, Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has warned. In a new documentary on AI, Musk said: "At least when there's an evil dictator, that human is going to die. But for an ...

Drone pilot, funeral director to get microenterprise grants

Caroline Casale, owner of NY Drone Zone, said she'll use the grant to upgrade equipment and get herself and another pilot trained for roof inspections. Real estate photography and photogrammetry mapping of various sites are among her company's specialties, and she's trying to expand her ...

Indian Institute of Education to kindle young minds through drone making and 3D printing workshops

Open for everyone above the age of 10, the session will include a drone making segment, making electronics circuit out of paper and Scratch programming sessions, which is a language and online community, primarily for children to create interactive stories, games, and animations. The Makerlab ...

Indian Institute of Education to kindle young minds through drone making and 3D printing workshops

The Makerlab established in April 2014 by the 39-year-old IT professional, Atul Yadav, has recently collaborated with Vigyan Ashram, Pabal to promote these activities along with model making through 3-D technology. This newly launched 2-month old lab flaunts gadgets like a 3D printer, a 3D pen and ...

Smart Drone Services Market increasing demand with key players DJI, Parrot, 3D Robotics

HTF MI comprehensive and detailed 100-page research study on North America and Europe Smart Drone Services provides a significantly expanded scope with deeply analyzed conclusions and content that includes an industry relevant database of major existing and Smart Drone ...

AI transcribes words users 'speak silently'

The name given to the technology is AlterEgo and it is designed to allow a user to communicate with devices, artificial intelligence assistants, applications, or other people via a silent, concealed, and seamless manner. Thus the AlterEgo system is part of research that seeks to combine human and ...

Palestinian journalist killed in Israel-Gaza protests

Israel Radio, citing an unnamed source in Gaza, said Murtaja had been operating a camera drone on Friday. "I don't know who he was, cameraman or no cameraman, anyone operating drones above IDF soldiers must know he is putting himself at risk," Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman told ...

GM engineers lead robotics mentoring in Southwest Detroit

Chairman of the Board of the Robotics and Engineering Center of Detroit Joaquin Nuno-Whelan, 40, of Ann Arbor, left, and robotics coordinator Jonathan Rodriguez, 33, of Detroit pose for a portrait at the Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation in Detroit on Friday April 6, 2018, in the lab they facilitate ...


In simpler terms, 3D printing/additive manufacturing- is the process of converting digit designs into solid 3 dimensional objects. This technology has been widely used in areas such as automotive design, model building, and product prototyping and now has made rapid inroads into healthcare sector as ...

Swiss engineer arrested for illegal anti-drone system sales

According to the Italian news agency AdnKronos on Saturday, the "drone ranger" systems were sold to the armed forces of certain Middle Eastern countries. They can detect, track and neutralise Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) by jamming the remote control frequency as well as the global satellite ...

To advance, robots need artificial intelligence

Robots coupled with artificial intelligence provide the promise to reinvent industries. The reason why this has not happened to any great extent so far is because of prohibitive costs for artificial intelligence development. This, coupled with the need for more high-powered computing and a shortage of data ...

Future of Artificial Intelligence Chipsets Market including key players IBM Corp., Microsoft Corp ...

Latest research study from HTF MI with title Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Chipsets by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023. The Research report presents a complete assessment of the market and contains Future trend, Current Growth Factors, attentive opinions, facts, ...

Robot Vacuum will grow at a CAGR of 12.6% by 2022

The report on "Global Robot Vacuum Market" is a professional report which provides thorough knowledge along with complete information pertaining to the Robot Vacuum Market propos classifications, definitions, applications, industry chain summary, industry policies in addition to plans, product ...

Autonomous Car Market Outlook | Growth Prospects & Progressive Technologies with Industry ...

Latest research study from HTF MI with title United States Autonomous Car by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023. The Research report presents a complete assessment of the market and contains Future trend, Current Growth Factors, attentive opinions, facts, historical data, ...

Life in 2028: how advances in AI could change our lives for the better - and worse

The virtual assistant makes small-talk, while the display robot brings the item to the front of the rack. Fatima wonders how things worked out for that nice Filipina girl – what was her name? – who used to work here. "Okay, thanks, I'll take it," she says, and hurries out of the shop. The system knows her size.

Kickstarter's focus is on engaging with creative people: Perry Chen

AI ( artificial intelligence ) is one of the biggest changes. We've been dealing with how tech affects us for the past 10-20 years. But ...